
LOAD 513 | Day 1

It's May, so that means it's time for another round of LOAD! I had to give up February's LOAD approximately halfway through due to the flu and its after effects, so here's to hoping I'll fare better this time...

The theme for this month is "Get a Clue", and the prompts will be modeled after the game of Clue.
To get an idea of what to expect each day, Lain provided a list of daily themes;
Sundays - famous title of a suspense novel or movie
Mondays - mystery terminology
Tuesdays - the great mysteries of life
Wednesdays - characters from Clue
Thursdays - weapons/means of committing a crime
Fridays - rooms from Clue
Saturdays - motives for committing a crime        
So Wednesdays are character days, and the first character this month is Mrs White.
I used the prompt in a very literal sense and chose a white background for my spread.

Lain also declared May as "Use It Up"-month on her Facebook page. The idea is to use stuff from your stash and the first challenge was to make a spread with patterned paper that is at least a year old. I've had the brown travel paper for several years, so I decided to pair it with my Shinkansen pictures from a recent trip to Japan. I may add some more embellishments eventually - I couldn't find the Shinkansen notebook paper on which the ticket inspector wrote down the time at which we would pass Mt. Fuji on the way to Tokyo - not "around a quarter to 2", but exactly at 13.47...

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